CASPR Initialisation

CASPR can simply be downloaded here and unzipped. As CASPR runs with Matlab only, you also need to have a working version of MatLab. To run CASPR open your MatLab and simply navigate within your "Current Folder" menu into your CASPR folder to execute the initialize_CASPR.m file. Is this done sucessfully, navigate (within MatLab) into the GUI folder and execute CASPR_GUI.m. This should usually work without any errors.

If there occur any errors, it could possibly be due to some dependecies errors. CASPR depends on the following libraries:

  • 'qhull' - a convex hull library that is used throughout the Workspace analysis module.
  • 'optitoolbox' - a MATLAB optimisation toolbox. The toolbox is used within the Inverse Dynamics and Design Optimisation modules.

If any other errors occur, consider reading the full CASPR documentation in the "docs" folder or contacting Darvin Lau.

CASPROS Installation

For the installation and usage of CASPROS I would like to reference to the tutorials, made by a team colleague, Hollie Barnett.